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Sandy Island…Forever Series

Sandy Island…forever Series is held throughout February and into the first week of March, with presentations by key contributors to a new book of essays, photography, and artwork about Sandy Island, one of America’s largest undeveloped freshwater islands. The special series will highlight the team of essayists, photographers, artists, and editors who just completed an amazing three-year project to capture in words and images the unique world of Sandy Island. Beginning with archaeologist and historian Susan Hoffer McMillan’s presentation of “The History of Sandy Island,” join contributors to Sandy Island...forever: A Collaboration of Essays & Images (CLASS Publishing 2020) to gain a full and satisfying appreciation of what has been preserved and why it matters. Additional programs on Feb. 9, 16, 23 and March 2. The program is free and openly available to the public online on the Georgetown County Library Facebook page. To view the Tea & Poetry programs, go to the Georgetown County Library Facebook page at the scheduled dates and times:

You do not have to have a Facebook account to watch the programs on the Georgetown County Library Facebook page. If you miss a program on Facebook, it will also be made available for viewing afterwards on the Georgetown County Library YouTube page: